Thursday 6 November 2008

The Day After

We are having problems getting an internet connection today. Sorry to all those who were waiting patiently for an update.

Liam had a good night last night. He is in the Pediatric Critical Care Unit. Both Jason and I were with him until 11:30 pm. Our nurse Melanie then came to tell us that she had a room with a bed that she could give us so Jason stayed with Liam and I got some much needed rest until about 2:30 am. Liam had a few rough moments and he began asking for his mom so Jason went off to sleep and I stayed with Liam. I had the privilege to remind him that his friend Tat was praying for him at that time. He was very comforted by this and began to rest better. I sang worship songs to him and it was a wonderful time of God’s presence right there in the PCCU. I was the only parent in the room with four nurses (one for each of the children in Liam’s room.) Although Liam had a pretty good night it was at times busy and hectic for the other children with alarms and treatments. No matter who it was that was having trouble worship songs and prayers filled the room to encourage both staff and the little ones who were working hard in the night. It really was a special time. Liam continued through the night to ask me what time it was and who was praying. He would smile as a read him names he recognized and ask who is that and where do they live for names that he did not know. Liam’s prayer partner list was also an encouragement to one of the doctors (a resident) this morning. She asked me lots of questions about it and said she had never seen something like that before. She thought it was a great idea.

God’s hand on Liam has continued to amaze us. They have now removed his catheter, another IV line, and they have him up playing a video game! Can you imagine! Many of the nurses and doctors have come by to tell us how well he is doing. God made an amazing kid when he made Liam and designed his life! It is incredible to be along for the ride. Liam has already had a MRI today for them to check the residual of the tumour and the drain that they have placed in his ventricle. If they like what they see then they will be removing Liam’s drain this afternoon and transferring him to a regular room! We are so excited that we could burst! Everyone involved in his care seem to be so surprised at how quickly he is recovering. We are not surprised as we know and can actually feel that he is being covered in prayer. God has heard our cries and He is answering them as only He can do! Our prayer requests continue to be for the three other children that are in Liam’s room. Pray that their parents would lay their heavy burdens on Jesus and find true rest. Pray that these little ones would feel the presence of Jesus and be comforted. Pray for wisdom for the staff that is caring for them and for the Holy Spirit to rest in the room. Pray that God would be glorified in all that happens. For us as a family we request that you continue to pray for Liam’s physical restoration and for God to grow him spiritually through all of this. Pray for the procedure of the drain removal as it can be a bit painful. Pray that although Jason and I may continue to be physically tired that the Holy Spirit would continue to carry and guide us. We can never thank-you enough for all that you are doing in holding us up in prayer before the Father.


  1. Wonderful news! Our family will be gathering for our evening prayers soon and we will lift up Liam and his roommates and the families.

  2. Thanks so much for the update... We've been checking the blog all day for updates. Adora and Teela will be so thrilled in the morning... they said a final prayer tonight before bed for his speedy recovery. We will let them know the great news when they wake up!

    Love Adam and Julie

  3. I thank God for being with you all and that Liam is recovering more quickly than expected (and that that is a witness to the doctors and nurses). I will continue to pray for his health and that God will give you much strength and rest. Thanks for updating the blog, I have been checking it during the day and have been praying as God has brought you to my mind. I will pray especially for the removal of the tube, that God will give Liam grace to endure and that it wont be too painful for him.

    With love and prayers,

    David (from the Challies church)
