Tuesday 30 November 2010

Update Tuesday

So if you have been following for a while you have seen the posts about our family moving to Hamilton.  Every Tuesday my husband posts on his blog; an update about our journey.  This week he was talking about community and he shared what we have learned over the past ten years.  Wow! Typing ten years just caught me by surprise!  Anyhow, reading the post was a great trip for me down memory lane.  We have had the privilege of sharing our lives with some amazing people.  Some of them are still a part of our lives daily and some have moved away (or we have moved) but all of them have played a significant part in our journey.  I can't imagine what our lives would have been like without them.  Community is important and Jesus has some great stuff to say on the subject.  Check it out on http://www.jasonmcgibbon.blogspot.com/

Tomorrow is the start of our Advent List and I will begin to post about our adventures.  I really can't wait!

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