Wednesday 27 October 2010


Fall brings changes in the God's creation around us, and this year it also brings some big changes for our family.  Over the past year, God has been quietly stirring in our hearts.  It has been a stirring that I have resisted, because I like my comfort and I am afraid of change, but God has been patient with me.  He has also been persistent.  Again and again, when I have least expected it, He has been changing my heart, opening my eyes to things I have not seen before, compelling me to think about the way Jesus lived when He walked on earth among us.  Challenging me to engage with those He loves, those who are not engaged by even our non-traditional church, by our traditions and/or rituals.   Those who know the Jesus that others have represented but have never read scripture to discover how Jesus represents himself.  God has been placing another another community on hearts.  One that is not where we currently live and so a couple of Sunday's ago Jason told our church family that God is calling us away from our current church, to plant another work in a different town.  Actually, it is not a town at all but a city and in the spring we put our house up for sale and begin to look for a new house in downtown Hamilton.

I have never lived in a city.  I have been a burbs girl all my life so this will be a big change.  Hamilton is currently trying to revitalize itself and re-brand from years of being a steel town to a music and art powerhouse. But it is not there yet and is still home to some of our countries poorest neighbourhoods and toughest streets.   I am not sure what to expect, or how God will work out all the details (and I have identified a lot of them that need to be worked out in order for this to work) but my heart is ready and willing to go.  It is a step of faith that is exciting, terrifying and not without the heartache of leaving the comfort of family and friends that are like family.  It is a lot of change for this suburban gal but I am trusting that just like the change of fall God knows all the intricate details and has it all under control.

I am sure over the next little while,  I will posting more about our big move and the new work but if you would like to see the announcement in our  Sanctuary Milton's Partnership Newsletter please clink on the link.


  1. I am excited to hear that we will see more of your family! Crystal can help you with learning the ropes of big city life (she moved here from growing up on a farm.) Talk to us about schools in selecting a neighbourhood. In a radio message I heard today the pastor said "We can expect to receive blessing when doing God's will." May this give you peace in life's big decisions.
    Bruce McLean

  2. Wow- what a huge change for all of you! Hamilton will be so blessed to have you.

  3. That is a beautiful picture.
