Monday October 27th we will meet with the neuropsychologist that is on Liam's team of care. She will be conducting tests on Liam that will give her a base line for his intelligence and learning. In approximately a year they will re-test him to compare the test results before surgery and after surgery. These tests will take approximately four to five hours. Her name is Dr. Cheryl Alyman. We spoke on the phone for a bit last week. She explained to me her role on the team and gave me some general guidelines of what to expect. She reiterated again that the brain takes a very long time to heal. It will be a minimum of six to eight months and many times it is up to a year. Liam will need to take rest even when he does not feel like it for months after the surgery.
On Tuesday October 28th, Liam will have his pre-op appointment. We will meet with nursing staff, his anesthesiologist and a child life specialist. This team will explain the surgery and answer any questions that we have. Liam's older brother and sister, Daniel and Caroline are coming with us to this appointment so that they have some idea of what to expect when they see Liam after surgery. After we get all the paper signed and we are finished at the pre-op department we will head up to the 3F clinic to see Liam's surgeon Dr. Singh. She will examine Liam, meet with us to talk about Liam's MRI test results from last week and answer any final questions that we may have.
Today, we are sending out an email with a prayer partner sign up sheet. Our hope is to have people committed to praying for Liam for every minute that he is in the hospital. We will keep the prayer partner list in his hospital room and be able to tell him who is praying for him. Your faithful prayers have been a tremendous blessing during some very difficult moments in the past few months. If you are not on our email list and would like a copy of this sign up sheet please send us an email at jason@thesanctuarymilton.com . Feel free to take this sign up sheet and have other people sign up at your church, your prayer chains etc. Email it back to us when you are done and we will update our master list. Our plan is to have updates and prayer needs posted on a daily basis to this blog. We will have internet access from McMaster.
Continue to pray for complete healing for Liam. Just this morning, he is having a migraine. Pray that it is short lived and that he does not have any more. Pray for Liam and his appointments next week. Pray for Daniel and Caroline that they will be able to have all their questions answered about their brother's surgery. Pray for Jason and I as we meet with Liam's team. Pray that we will shine Jesus' light and that they will see something different. Pray for opportunities for us to share the hope that we have. Pray for wisdom and discernment for us as parents. Pray that will know when our children are worried or stressed over this situation. Pray for the people that receive the bibles that Liam leaves and for the prayer bears that he gives to children he meets. Pray that they will read scripture and come to know the God who saves. Pray for our family and especially my grandmother as my grandfather passed away on Monday. Poppa Les was an amazing man and although we have no doubt that he is with Jesus we will miss him. Pray for peace for all of us as Liam's Surgery draws near. Thank-you for your continued prayers. God Bless.
Have been praying and will continue to pray for you all.
Thanks for all the updates. Don't know if you have the money or resources to do this - but there is another woman who had a brain injury and her family enlisted a "prayer pager" for her. Whenever I prayed for her, I would call the beeper number and just type in my zip code so they knew she'd been prayed for. And the neat thing is they don't know me and will likely never meet me, but they could look up my zip code to see where in the country the prayer came from.
ReplyDeleteGuess that doesn't help as much when your zip codes have letters, but maybe you could do phone number or area code or something to identify people. Plus, every time it goes off, you know his name has been put before the throne. :)
Just thought it was a neat idea that family had and thought I'd share it with you! We're praying for all of you!!