One of the blessings of home school this year has been the chance that it has provided for the kids to participate in bible quizzing. They have had such a great time with their new friends and their Dad and I have been amazed at how much of God's word th
ey have learned and memorized. The junior quiz team had their final meet this month and both Liam and Caroline did a great job with their team. Caroline decided to enter the finish the verse competition. This is set up much like a spelling bee and the kids are given the first three words of a verse and they have to figure out which one it is and finish it word for word. Caroline made it to the top nine out of about forty kids. Way to go Caroline!
A few weeks ago we filmed day number one of the two days that we have been asked to keep aside for documentary for Mac Kids Hospital. This will be shown on the telethon which is on May 31st on CHCH. Liam was a bit apprehensive as it was also the day that he had to have his follow-up MRI. Although the MRI machine itself does not hurt, Liam alwa
ys has to have a needle to administer the contrast which he does not like. As usual he was a trooper and did a great job even with the camera's rolling. Our director and the film crew were really fabulous with the kids. Filming was a long day for them with lots of waiting but they did a super job. I did not get many pictures of the day as we were often on camera trying to re-enact events from when Liam was sick. Some of our friends got to come to Mac to be in the documentary, they filmed us praying on camera, our director was very interested in Liam's prayer list and the roll it played in his recovery. Liam got to see his favourite nurse again and Jason and Liam got to sing a song they wrote about our time at Mac on camera. I personally found the day a bit weird, lots of different emotions and feelings. It was quite the experience and God continues to use Liam's life in amazing ways. Next week we will go to the neuroncology clinic to find out the results of Liam's latest MRI and to hear about the next steps (if any) that are needed for his treatment. We continue to pray that the tumour has not started to grow again and that Liam will only have to be monit
ored and that no more treatments will be needed. We have not seen any posters of Liam out and about but we are told that we will start to see them soon. Above is a photo of Liam and Dr. Singh to advertise the telethon that is now on the Mac Kids website. We will let you know how Liam's appointment goes at Mac next week!

God is so awesome and continues to show his provision in so many ways! Liam is a great example of trust and faith. May God richly bless you all!!
ReplyDeleteLove you much
Sounds like you guys had a blast on Jason's birthday! It was really cool the way the birds were eating out of their hands!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on a Bible quizzing job well done, Caroline and Liam! Caroline I am impressed that you went beyond the regular quizzing and challenged yourself with those memory verses! I know your parents are proud of you!
I look forward to seeing the telecast in May! I'll be praying for the results of the appointment with Dr. Singh next week as well as for opportunities for you guys to let your light so shine before men!
I'm REALLY enjoying that first picture... :)