Life in our zoo is never what you might call dull. With the schedule of our own immediate family comes the usual craziness of school, bible quizzing, church, swimming lessons, worship practice etc, etc. This week was extra special as we celebrated a wedding. Jason's brother Brandon and his fiance Nathalie were married in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by family and friends. It was four days of events and we loved every minute of it. We were very excited on Friday to meet some of Nathalie's family that we have heard so much about. Saturday was the rehearsal on Toronto Island and we had a wonderful day meeting more family and some of their friends. Sunday was the big event in which our entire clan was involved. Jason was officiating the ceremony in both French and English, Daniel and Caroline were ushers, Trinity was the flower girl, Liam was the ring bearer and I sang during the ceremony with Jason's dad. It was truly a family celebration and there were many tears of happiness and joy.
It was during the final event on Monday, a post wedding homemade brunch, that I was reminded about something I have learning during our
Thirty Days of Almost Nothing experiment. What I have loved best about this month is the clarity that it has brought as a reminder of what is important. When it is all said and done what will we remember? What will be remembered? What will matter? What really is important?

As I spent a moment at Brandon's and Nathalie's townhouse reflecting on the wedding ceremony I paused at a new tradition that Nathalie taught us. Nathalie was born in Switzerland and one of the wedding customs that she brought was for the wedding rings. Every guest was asked to bring a yard of yarn (it is usually ribbon but Nat loves to knit) to the wedding. As we sat during the ceremony we were asked to greet the person next to us and attach our yarn to their yarn. This being completed each side of the guests were all connected by bright beautiful yarn like a tapestry of the bride and groom's life. Jason then explained that since we were all an important part of Nathalie's and Brandon's life we were going to pass the rings over each string of yarn. As guests passed each ring, he asked us to say a prayer or blessing for the couple. Since the rings represented Nathalie's and Brandon's commitment to each other he challenged us each to think about our commitment to them and their marriage. How would we as individuals support and under gird not only their marriage but their lives. As I looked around the room I saw people who loved this bride and groom touching the rings for a brief moment as they slid along the yarn and I could see that many of them paused, heads bowed with tears which told stories of love and commitment. As the rings came to me, Matthew 22: 36-39 flooded my heart.
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself."
Jesus said that out of all the things in the bible, what was really important boiled down to two things: love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself. If our devotion to Jesus and his commandments isn't producing these two things, we've missed the entire point.
My commitment to Brandon and Nathalie is two fold. I will continue to love God with all I have and because of that life changing, redeeming, indescribable love, I will love, pray and be there for them as individuals and for them as a couple whatever the future may hold.
When celebrations end and life begins to creep in again who will you be making commitments to? Who are you loving as Jesus commanded? As you go out into the world this week, I pray my friends that you will not be distracted by this life but you will be focused on what Jesus considered important and what truly matters.
For more thoughts on Weddings and our Thirty Days of Almost Nothing check out Jason's weekly blog at Pop Culture Devotions. Just a reminder that tomorrow is free recipe Friday. I am not sure what it will be yet but there will be something posted!