Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Happy Brain Day!

Yesterday we travelled to the Neuroncology Clinic at Mac Kids for Liam's follow-up from his MRI appointment. We met a host of doctors and professionals who will be a part of Liam's follow-up care team. There was an occupational therapist, a physiotherapist, his cognitive psychologist, a child life specialist, and lots of doctors that covered everything from neurosurgery to radiation and oncology. Liam even has a nurse that will be his nurse from now until either she retires or he turns ninety-three. She is hoping to retire before he hits the old age home! She specializes in kids with brain tumours and she will be our main contact if we have any questions, problems or new symptoms etc. It was great to be able to ask all of our questions and to have everyone in the same room. What a blessing!

The news from Liam's latest MRI scan was good. In fact we thought it was great. The scan did not show any signs of the tumour at all. They were all very happy and do not feel that any other treatment for the tumour is required at this time. Liam will have to have another scan in six months and then if that one is clear then he will not have to come back for a year. Liam is still getting migraines so they decided that since there are no complications from the tumour at this time that they would refer him to a neurologist to see if we can figure out the triggers and try to prevent them from happening.
Liam also got to ask about a little bump that is on head. Dr. Gunnerson one of the neurosurgeons that had worked on Liam in November took a look. He told us the bump is from a screw in Liam's scull and won't cause any problems. It just sticks out a tiny bit.

We celebrated today. Our good friends, Heather and Brian surprised us with some "Brain cupcakes" . We sang Liam Happy Brain Day which sounded a lot like happy birthday but with a lot more laughter. It was a lot of fun. Definitely a special moment to treasure.

The chocolate cupcake crumbs and the pink brain icing that did not make it into our mouths are all cleaned up (thanks to our crazy dogs) and the kids are starting to settle down for the night, despite the sugar rush. Soon everyone will be saying their prayers before bed and our hearts are full of thanksgiving and praise for all that God has done and continues to do! May He get all the glory for Liam's amazing journey.
Happy Brain Day Liam!