Ten years ago today, I woke up to a delivery of beautiful roses from my sweetheart. It was a beautiful start to a wonderful journey of adventure and life. As our house began to bustle with the stirrings of a wedding day, I remember lying in my bed looking at my roses and musing about how Jason and I had arrived at this moment in our lives. It was the type of moment that I had today as I thought about our life over the past ten years.
Our wedding itself was beautiful, and surrounded by family and friends, I married my best friend making a commitment to grow with him in Christ's love. We sang together at our wedding, he wrote a song for our wedding, and an
Irish piper piped us into the church. Mostly though I remember how handsome my husband looked in his tuxedo and the vows that we said to each other.
At that moment God brought together a family of two. We placed our marriage into His hands. Two years later God expanded our family and blessed us with Liam. He was so amazing and our world changed as we knew it. Liam was a constant source of wonder for us. Not long before Liam was two years old, God placed a burden on heart to add to our family. We spent a year with family and friends praying for two children that we did not know. We rested in the fact that God knew who they were and He would bring them to us. I wondered how we would find them, what they would be like and who was taking care of them in those times. Just after Liam turned three we found them. Daniel and Caroline came into our family through adoption and we have been forever changed by the experience and the blessings that God has given us through them. For a while we thought our family was complete until God made us parents again with the birth of second daughter Trinity Joy. She is truly a wonder and life a family has been quite a journey.
Through it all, the ups and downs, the twists and turns, Jason has been there to guide us in the path of God's calling for our lives. He has loved, supported and encouraged me in ways that only he can do. On this day our 10
th anniversary, I can honestly say that he is still my best friend and the person I love to hang out with the most. The vows I said ten years ago are still the ones I say to you today.
I Kimberley, take thee Jason
To become one flesh under God
I vow to the Lord and I vow to you
To endeavor to be Christlike always
I will love you as Christ loved the church
I will forgive you as we have been forgiven
I will be faithful to you and to you alone
I will serve the Lord with you
I will weep with you in sorrow
Rejoice with you in blessings
For richer, for poorer
In sickness and in health
To love and to cherish
Until Christ calls us home
This is my solemn vow, before God.
Yep! He is still my man and after ten crazy years I still dig the way he plays guitar!
Happy 10
th Anniversary honey. I love you.